Monday, May 18, 2009

thing 43

i signed up for hulu and watched a few things from snl. i think i'm really gonna like this because i can never allow my life to be dictated by television schedules but there are lots of things i would like to see.

thing 42

i singed up for an account with pandora, something i've been meaning to do for a long time because it seems like everyone else uses it an has only nice things to say about it. i have found really great music on the internet before, and i think that pandora and the other radio sites are really useful. when i listen to the radio, though, i mostly listen to mpr and i don't really use the radio for music. i'm not sure if that will change now but i am really glad pandora exists.

thing 41

i signed up for superglu but i really don't like this sort of thing and don't plan to actually use it. i suppose i can see how someone might like these sites/services but it's just not for me. to me, it's easier to keep track of facebook, twitter and the other services i use by logging in to each one separately, although i do have links to them all on my yahoo homepage.

Friday, May 15, 2009

thing 38

i wasn't able to actually make a screencast but i did watch a few of the tutorials and can see how they are useful. if i would have been able to make it work, i would probably have made a screencast about doing advanced searches on j-stor or another online journal archive since most of my classmates in college never mastered those types of sites.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

thing 40

i explored walkable and the lunchbox/wheel of food mashups. i still don't really like or understand mashups but i did find these to be useful. i like living in neighborhoods where i have everything i need within walking distance so this will be useful whenever i move to a new place. i also like the fast food mashups, which would be very helpful while traveling.
as far as what could be useful in a library - lazy library would be helpful for finding books for people who want a quick read.
for my mahup i used bubblr to add a script bubble to a photo of my friend's cat. it isn't very funny or clever but the cat is cute...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

thing 36

i have never used generators at the library or anywhere. i don't really see most of them being useful, just fun. however, i suppose that wufoo could be useful in a library setting during times when we are performing online surveys on our web site, which we have done in the past. perhaps using something like wufoo would be a more attractive way of presenting the questionairre.
also, i don't so reference at our library, but i can see how something like the citation generator would be helpful because i have asked librarians about citations in the past while writing papers and what not. most of us are not familiar with all of the different styles of citation, so when faced with those types of questions it would be nice to know where to find a quick answer.

Monday, May 11, 2009

thing 35

i signed up for twitterlit and dailylit and looked at a few other sites as well. i don't really think i'll get into either of these services. i also don't expect that electronics will completely take over printed books either. at our library, i only get a few questions every once in a while about audio books and downloading them. of course, a good portion of our patrons are here for our computers, books are still a hot item as well. although i don't really see any right or wrong way to read (online or print), people will always have preferences for one or the other and people like myself will provide the audience for printed books.
also, i don't see any reason for anyone to be hostile to any of the services/ideas put forth by the book 2.0 tools/sites. i think that if you use them correctly they weill enhance your reading experience becuase you will be introduced to new things and have the opportunity to discuss your reads with others. if you don't like it, don't use it.