Wednesday, April 8, 2009

thing 31

i really didn't do a whole lot of experimenting with different ways of using or accessing twitter - i really don't see myself ever doing any of those things. i did, however, sign up for photo-sharing, but nave not added anything yet. i did add the twitter photo sharing thing to my blog, though, so when/if i do add something it will show up here. i also added myself to the twitter directory.
i don't use twitter as much as i thought i would when i first discovered it. i think it's a wonderful thing, but i don't really have a whole lot of time in one day to constantly update something like that. plus, i don't know a whole lot of people that are on twitter. i have tried introducing people, but i find that a lot of people i talk to about it are skeptical.
in any case, i find twitter to be a fine social network that is set apart from most others. it allows a different type of interaction with people online that doesn't really happen on things like facebook. i used to think social networking sites were a total waste of time, but twitter, and facebook before it, have proved me wrong. go twitter!

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